Full concert footage of the Gigspanner Big Band's set at Shrewsbury Festival
If you check our website with any regularity, you will have noticed that it has been a while since any updates have been made, other than to the gig dates page, and for this we can only apologise.
We do in fact have a new website under development, and hope that it won't be too long before we can present it to the world.
However, our Facebook page is extremely active, in fact we have two! One is a 'Fan' page, and the other one is a 'Friends' page.
If you send us a friends request, you will find all kinds of regular updates...not just about work related matters, but photos and videos of our travels and things going on at home in France. That is the page where it all happens.
In the meantime, have you seen this full concert footage of the Gigspanner Big Band's set at Shrewsbury Festival?
Posted on February 1st 2019