Interesting Times.
Hi all,
When Vincent pulled out of our recent tour to attend to family matters, none of us had any idea how the future would pan out. Short term we had to find someone to drum for us, and Sacha Trochet and Gary Hammond came to the rescue big time. They are both superb players and a joy to work with.
Long term we had some thinking to do.
At the end of the tour we met up with Vincent to discuss the future, and it seems that family matters must take priority for the unforeseeable future. Although both Sacha and Gary are busy musicians, Sacha is going to move hell and high water to be Gigspanner's drummer next year and beyond hopefully, and Gary will help out when Sacha is not available.
We also anticipate that there will be times when both Sacha and Gary are not available, and we have asked Vincent if we can call on him if the gig is close enough for him to drive home. He said yes.
These are certainly interesting times, and Debs has become a full time juggler.
So on and up. As long as the music is good, I don't mind what we have to go through.
Off to buy a new batch of thinking caps....
Talk soon,
Best wishes, Peter.
Posted on December 19th 2016